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Sports Injury Management

Athletic Trainers

April Jessee bio photo
April Jessee

Lead Athletic Trainer

(520) 206-6012

Becky Fajardo bio photo
Becky Fajardo

Athletic Trainer

(520) 206-6012

Kilee Hagerstrand bio photo
Kilee Hagerstrand

Athletic Trainer

(520) 206-6012

Pima Aztecs Sports Injury Management Student Interns:

  • Yovan Gutierrez
  • Niajia Linden
  • Nylina Meyers
  • Sarah Ramirez

*Incoming Pima Aztecs student-athletes: Be sure your paperwork is in to the Sports Injury Management department. Without submitting this information, you will not be able to compete:


It’s that time of year for your senior students to begin thinking about their education beyond high school.  Many students are either unable to afford or are not ready to head straight off to a university.  The Sports Injury Management Staff at Pima Community College is here to help make the transition between the high school and collegiate setting easier.  Our student internship program gives young athletic training students the opportunity to increase their skills and begin working on academic prerequisites needed to enter into a fully accredited program.  While working with us they will have the ability to work with collegiate athletes in a setting that will allow them a greater opportunity for growth and learning.  We have three full time certified staff members that will help facilitate their transfer to an accredited program.

Our setting also allows the student to fully explore if they really want to make athletic training a career choice or investigate other healthcare related fields before investing in high tuition for a university program.  We also offer a limited number of scholarships for those students that have a financial need and qualify.  It is our goal to help your students with their academic and professional development. If you have any students that may be interested please feel free to give them the attached application materials and let them know we are available to discuss any questions they may have.  Application Deadline is TBA.

In addition to the paperwork we have required in the past, this year we have included an actual application to the process.  Please pass this information onto any senior student that may benefit from a program like ours.  Thank you for your continued support of our program.
P. S.  I know there have been many changes to the Southern AZ high school ATC group.  I am working on getting an updated list but if you don't see someone on here please feel free to forward it to them.
---April Jessee, Pima Community College Lead Athletic Trainer

For more information on the Athletic Training profession, see these organizational links:

National Athletic Trainers Association

Arizona Athletic Trainers Association